我们列出了斯威特沃特县周围各个社区可用的一些资源. Should you need any specific information, 请随时联系下面列出的资源-他们会很乐意帮助你.
1200 College Drive
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Phone: (307) 362-3711
斯威特沃特县纪念医院(MHSC)优先考虑患者。. 我们训练有素的专业团队致力于提供我们在斯威特沃特县所期望的高质量护理. 在MHSC,我们尊重患者的个性和隐私. 我们的目标是尽可能为您提供最好的医疗保健.
212 D Street
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Phone: (307) 352-1500
Rock Springs is home to 56 nationalities: a true melting pot. Formed by the railroad and coal mines in the past century, 石泉为游客和居民提供了各种娱乐机会. 石泉位于怀俄明州的西南角,位于斯威特沃特县. Established in 1888 as a mining town, 该地区周围的自然资源是石泉经济背后的驱动力. 西怀俄明社区学院的主校区位于石泉,吸引了来自世界各地的学生. The population of Rock Springs 23,036 (2010 census).
Outside the town, 休闲区,如火焰峡谷国家休闲区和Killpecker沙丘提供全年的享受. South of town, Flaming Gorge Lake, fed by the Green River, 有375英里的海岸线,从低矮的平原到1500英尺高的高耸悬崖. 湖周围的国家游乐区是一片火红的景观——太阳在雕刻的岩层上玩耍,提供了千变万化的鲜艳色彩. 石泉以北几英里处的沙丘是北美最大的沙丘. As you approach modern-day Rock Springs, 你几乎可以想象早期的旅行者沿着陆路舞台路线蹦蹦跳跳地走向1862年小镇开始的欢迎舞台站. 石泉是联合太平洋公司横贯大陆线路上怀俄明州南部的另一个城镇. 多年来,该地区为国家的机车提供了数百万吨的煤炭. 今天,石泉地区继续在全国的能源生产中发挥领导作用.
382 Hwy 370
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Phone: (307) 352-6880
[email protected]
石泉-甜水县机场位于甜水县石泉以东7英里处, Wyoming. 要去机场,从石泉走80号州际公路往东走. 111号出口离开州际公路,向南走370号国道. The airport is about 3.5 miles down the road on top of the mesa. 对于那些有GPS系统的人来说,机场位于41°35' 39.183" N Latitude, 109° 03' 54.694" W Longitude.
1897 Dewar Drive
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Phone: (307) 362-3771 or 1-800-46-DUNES
Fax: 307-362-3838
[email protected]
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
石泉商会致力于提高甜水县的生活质量和经济活力,通过合作甜水县. In addition to a knowledgeable, helpful staff on hand to answer your questions, 你也会发现一个24小时的游客中心,提供有关怀俄明州西南部和周边地区的信息.
2500 College Drive
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Phone: (307) 382-1600
Western Wyoming Community College (WWCC) is a two year college located in Rock Springs, Wyoming. WWCC offers various one year certificates, numerous two year associate degrees, 以及与拉勒米的怀俄明大学合作的四年制学位, Wyoming. The college students are known as the Mustangs. The campus itself is unique, 由于严冬,所有的主要学院都在室内, connected via hallways. Since the local area is home to many dinosaur fossil finds, 在学院的公共区域有各种恐龙骨架的复制品.
3550 Foothill Boulevard
Rock Springs, Wyoming 82901
Phone: (307) 352-3400
Fax: (307) 352-3411
1400 Uinta Drive
Green River, WY 82935
Phone: (307) 872-4500 or (307) 362-9120
Fax: (307) 872-4595
家庭医生关心病人的身体和情感, throughout life, 必要时与其他医生协调病人护理. 城堡石医疗中心有三名委员会认证/委员会合格的家庭执业医生和工作人员来满足您的医疗需求. 如果需要住院治疗,这三名医生在斯威特沃特县纪念医院也有住院特权. 总有一位随叫随到的医生,为我们的病人在下班后或周末出现的问题提供建议.
1155 W. Flaming Gorge Way
Green River, WY 82935
Phone: (307) 875-5711
Fax: (307) 872-6192
[email protected]
50 E 2nd North
Green River, WY 82935
Phone: (307) 872-0500
As one travels east along Interstate 80, 怀俄明州西南部广阔的开放空间突然被一系列色彩斑斓的孤山所打断, carved over time by the Green River. The varied sizes, shapes, 侵蚀地层的阴影为绿河城提供了雄伟的环境.
Incorporated in 1868, in what was then Dakota Territory, 以流经城镇的一条绿色河流命名, the City of Green River has a long and varied history. Today, Green River’s population is approximately 14,000. The railroad is still a major presence. 采矿,特别是稀土,是该地区的主要工业. Even with the Interstate, the railroad, and other trappings of modern society, 这座城市继续坐落在西方的十字路口——永恒的, peaceful place.
320 Monroe Ave.
Green River, WY 82935
Phone: (307) 352-3400
Fax: (307) 352-3411
In Sweetwater County School District No. 2, our mission is to educate, with the assistance of parents and our community, graduates who have identified and developed their talents, 以及能够熟练运用怀俄明州共同核心知识和技能的学生.
County Seat
80 West Flaming Gorge Way
Green River, Wyoming 82935
Phone: (307) 872-3890
Fax: (307) 872-3994
Sweetwater County is known as the "Trona Capital of the World." At over 10,500 square miles, 斯威特沃特县是美国最后几个没有围栏的开放地区之一.
斯威特沃特县图书馆系统使斯威特沃特县的居民能够满足他们的教育, cultural and recreational needs by providing organized, uncensored collections, current technology and highly trained staff. 全县有图书馆3家,农村分馆5家. 图书馆为居民和客人提供各种服务.